Military Ranks and Titles attempts: 8 solutions: 0 -
Notable wildlife photographers attempts: 7 solutions: 0 -
Well-known opera compositions attempts: 3 solutions: 0 -
Types of Cocktail Drinks attempts: 5 solutions: 0 -
Unforgettable Road Trips attempts: 11 solutions: 0 -
African wildlife conservation efforts attempts: 12 solutions: 0 -
Art Decades attempts: 8 solutions: 0 -
Famous Dog Breeds attempts: 11 solutions: 0 -
Birds of North America attempts: 26 solutions: 0 -
Iconic Dance Styles attempts: 28 solutions: 0 -
Lyrical Poets attempts: 27 solutions: 0 -
Leading female scientists attempts: 35 solutions: 0 -
Famous Advertising Slogans attempts: 74 solutions: 0 -
World's largest museums attempts: 30 solutions: 0 -
Famous rivalries in sports attempts: 25 solutions: 0 -
Major World Forests attempts: 30 solutions: 0 -
Notable Authors of Mystery Novels attempts: 28 solutions: 0 -
Notable figures of the Women's Rights Movement attempts: 27 solutions: 0 -
Caribbean island destinations attempts: 43 solutions: 0 -
Types of Delicious Desserts attempts: 39 solutions: 0 -
Literary Masterpieces of the 20th Century attempts: 30 solutions: 0 -
Iconic guitarists in music history attempts: 32 solutions: 0 -
Notable heists in history attempts: 29 solutions: 0 -
Iconic Motorcycle Races attempts: 32 solutions: 0